Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nonfiction: StoryCorps "Listening is an Act of Love" & "Icing on the Cake"

Listening Is an Act of Love from StoryCorps on Vimeo.

The first-ever animated feature from StoryCorps celebrates the transformative power of listening. Listening Is an Act of Love: A StoryCorps Special presents six stories from 10 years of the innovative oral history project, where everyday people sit down together to ask life's important questions. Framing these intimate conversations from across the country is an interview between StoryCorps founder Dave Isay and his nine-year-old nephew, Benji, animated in the inimitable style of The Rauch Brothers.

Listening Is an Act of Love will be broadcast by public television stations nationwide throughout the holiday season. Stations will be airing the special on varying dates through February 2014.


I will stop the video between each story.  Develop a question to use from each conversation.  

Blanca Alvarez and her husband risked crossing the border to immigrate into the U.S. and then struggled to make ends meet. They hoped to shelter their children from these harsh realities, but Blanca's daughter Connie reveals how much children can really see of their parents' lives—and the inspiration they draw from their struggles.


Develop two questions to use after viewing "Icing on the Cake"

Now, Start Scribbling!

Happy Writing!
The Writing Whisperer
Believe In Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love, and the Power of the Written Word!

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